Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I totally just got to use a Charlie Sheen smooth talk.....WINNING!  Why yes I am! 

Since undergoing a splenectomy in 2004, there have only been a few instances where my platelets have dropped below normal!  Those instances were nothing that meds or even just watchful waiting couldn't bring back up.  In Dr. Chatterbox Wyszynski's world he does not consider those as a relaspe.  Hey I'm game for his thinking!  It doesn't mean that I'm cured, just means I'm not in the category of statistics of splenectomy failures.  Haha!  I am well on my way past the five year mark...whooo hoooo!

The pooled long-term relapse rate across all 23 studies was 43.6 per 1,000 patient years (95% CI 28.2-67.2). This translates to an approximate failure rate of 28% at 5 years for all patients undergoing splenectomy. Studies with shorter durations of follow-up had significantly higher pooled relapse rates than studies with longer follow-up (P = 0.04). (pubmed.gov)

Lord and you know that I'm not normal so please do not let the following happen.  I am not too fond of the idea of extra organs growing in my body.

A small percent of the splenectomized ITP population develops an accessory (extra) spleen. Occasionally a second surgery is required to remove the accessory spleen if the patient has relapsed following a successful first surgery.3 (pdsa.org)

For those that do not know, let me educate you for a second ITP (ideopathic thrombocytopenia purpura) stands for no one knows why my platelets get low.  But I also found this piece of heaven.  I think I no longer have the ideopathic part....my momma might have known what she was talking about when she frantically asked  the doctors, "Could her drinking have caused this, she's been sober for about a year now."  The doctor's answer was "Um probably not lady"  Momma's are almost always right:

And someday I will understand what all of these different things are but for right now we are thrilled at the circled numbers!  And I'm also thrilled to see how my blood splatters on paper, I don't want to find out how it splatters any other way.

And on a more serious note, looks like Wes needs to be joining me in my English classes:

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