So Granny called me yesterday morning. She called to tell me about my cousin Neil. She always calls when she gets some kind of news that is worth passing a long. Check. I do the same.
We are both worry warts. We like to know you made it through the bad weather, that you made it to your destination safely, if you are in some type of crisis, we like to take care of you.
One of the things Wes gets so annoyed by is my news watching. I love to watch the news & then if you are lucky, there might be something stupid, sweet, or interesting to share with you. I start watching the news at 9 almost everynight. Go to bed, watch the 10 o'clock news too. Come to find out, I get that from Granny too. Except she is lucky enough that she gets to start watching the news at 4 in the afternoon!
Does the above picture look familar? Reminds me of when we ordered Babes right before Stella was born. This was last night. Granny & Dad made a surprise visit to Frisco to visit, after visiting Neil at Parkland.
Okay, back to the news part,
I was trying to hold out until after May to release the following news press that some of you already know. You can softly whisper to yourself, OMG what in the world is she thinking.
I am back in school. Like real school, studying real stuff, not learning how to comb people's hair.
It has always been a dream of mine to be a nurse, which many people know already. I attempted this and embarrasingly tried other careers too. First attempt, out of high school, nope my drinking was more important. Second attempt, (aviation), nope my drinking was more important. Third attempt, nope, newly sober, newly diagnosed with what-u-ma-call-it. Finally I cop out and go to cosmetology school because that career looked easier. Not. Through all of that I depended on others to support me and to believe in me. Yeah that's nice and all, but what about believing and supporting myself. I for some reason have always thought that I was dumb in the schooling area. Hence, the whole reason I was going to wait until May to let it out of the bag. Don't know where I got this idea, because Nanny always said I was the smartest apple of the bunch. However, God is tricky. He knew I would need support, accountability, & encouragement from others. Turns out one of Stella's teachers is in one of my classes and had snitched on me to Sara. Ha! Nice!
So some things happened last summer/fall. The feelings of wanting to be a nurse came back up again. I talked it over with several people, did my little pros and cons list, and I prayed and waited....prayed and listened....prayed and jumped in. I am happy, kicking and screaming happy, that I did this. I am a A+ student! Lawd have mercy I have high A's in both classes right now & it's spring break!! I am not dumb y'all. It is amazing what happens when you turn things over to God and start believing in yourself!
Maybe Oretha was right afterall!
I don't know where this road of schooling will go. Sometimes I get wrapped up in fear still. I didn't want to say anything to anyone in case I dropped out again & dissapoint others or what have you. I do know that if this isn't the path I am to be on God will provide the biggest STOP sign ever. And I believe today that I can do this and believe in myself until I finish or get the stop sign.
So here's to being the smartest apple in the bunch....
Love you all......
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